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Guoda Machinery

【Sales Center】Tel exchange:0510-83754137 Straight line:0510-83752922
【After-sales service】Tel:0510-83757673 phones:13771059812
【Fax service】Tel:0510-83751158  0510-83751324

Address: Jiangsu province Wuxi city Huishan district west of Industrial Park, Zhang Hong Road 12-1,
zip code: 214171
website: www.wolongaoyuan.com 

E-mail:guoda1#126.com ( domestic)    (Please when sending mail to“ #”replaced“@” )
            guoda8#126.com  ( International Department)    (Please when sending mail to“ #”replaced“@” )

General manager hotline: 0510-83750055 83758168
(straight) 13806181032 (mobiles phones)
night service: 0510-83756168

locations: on the route to Division I, please see the following electronic map, we warmly welcome the eight party guest!

 Wuxi Guoda maps

